250 g / 2 cups butter and 250 g / 2 cups sugar (preferably half and half brown and white) in a dish > mix (minimum 3 minutes = the longer the mix – the fluffy the cake)
blend in 3 eggs > mix (2′)
add a little vanilla and two tablespoons fine jamaican rum > mix
toss together in a separate dish 400 g /14 ounces flour (wheat or *dinkel*), baking powder, half a tablespoon salt and half a tablespoon soda.
add half of the flour mix to the batter > mix (2′)
milk (5 -10 tablespoons, depending on the dryness. the consistency of the finished batter should be not to hard and not to soft. i suppose you try.) > mix (2′)
rest of the dry ingredients > mix (2′)
ok, now put the half of the batter in two heaps in a buttered and floured baking form witch looks like this (bundform).
add 100 g / 3.5 ounces cocoa and 5 tablespoons milk to the rest of the batter > mix (at this point you would also add special spice for a special cake….)
now fill the brown between the white and carefully stir, it later should look like marble.
bake by low temp rather long (180 celsius / 350 fahrenheit / 50′)
eat when cool enough …